Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Every now and again people go to google (or your favorite search engine) and type in their own name to see what they find. Last night in the midst of listening to old soul records for samples and going over art ideas for the album I typed in SGT OVER. I was surprised to see that someone had a sealed copy of my first mix tape "Hostile Takeover". Not only that but they're selling it for $17.97, good job! Whoever you are I'm not mad at all. It's not like they're selling a case full of em so I'm sure it's just a fan. I gave out so many of these things on the east coast you never know. I even sent some to the UK, anything is possible.

1 comment:

  1. word..i'm down....i'll send the blaowbots to to go rape and pillage his whole life...bLaOW!!
    I'll have Von Blaow look into the ebay name rgjg2004...have him scan the system...i'll update you when we track his location.
